COLUMBIA, SC — SCICU presented Excellence in Teaching Awards to twenty professors from its member colleges and universities at the 12th annual Excellence In Teaching Awards Dinner on April 4, 2017. Over 150 persons, including members of the South Carolina General Assembly, college faculty members, SCICU Trustees, and family members of the award recipients joined in this celebration of higher education and teaching excellence at SCICU’s member independent colleges and universities in South Carolina.
In addition to recognition at the awards dinner, the 2016 recipients each received a $3,000 professional development grant from SCICU.
Collectively, the 2017 Excellence In Teaching award recipients have substantial professional depth and knowledge, and their areas of teaching include the sciences , religion, political science, criminal justice, languages, and the arts.
SCICU is pleased and proud to recognize the following individuals with Excellence in Teaching Awards for 2017:
- Allen University – Dr. Kevin Trumpeter
- Anderson University – Dr. Jennifer Bossi
- Benedict College – Dr. Jessica Furrer
- Charleston Southern University – Dr. Jonathan Sircy
- Claflin University – Dr. Samuel G. Roberson, Sr.
- Coker College – Dr. Peter Gloviczki
- Columbia College – Dr. Sharon Jones
- Columbia International University – Dr. Andre M. Rogers
- Converse College – Dr. William C. Case
- Erskine College – Dr. Tiffany R. Hayden
- Furman University – Dr. Marianne Bessy
- Limestone College – Dr. Cindy A. Cavanaugh
- Morris College – Carlotta C. Stackhouse
- Newberry College – Dr. John Lesaine
- North Greenville University – Dr. Curtis K. Horn, Jr.
- Presbyterian College – Dr. Erin Stamatia McAdams
- Southern Wesleyan University – Professor James R. McDonald
- Spartanburg Methodist College – Dr. J. Kristian Pratt
- Voorhees College – Dr. Zhabiz Golkar
- Wofford College – Dr. William E. DeMars
A photo gallery of all award recipients may be viewed here.
The support from generous sponsors helps make the annual Excellence in Teaching Awards program possible. SCICU gratefully acknowledges the following sponsors for their support of the Excellence in Teaching Awards Dinner for 2017:
- ABM Solutions
- Aramark Higher Education
- Haynsworth Sinkler Boyd, PA
- National Management Resources
- Sodexo
- SC Student Loan Corporation
- TD Bank
- Total Comfort Solutions
- Vulcan Materials Company