COLUMBIA, S.C. — SCICU’s 2023 Infographics Series continued with important messages supporting the S.C. Tuition Grants Program and hailing the business impact of private higher education in South Carolina. Both infographics were sent to all members of the South Carolina General Assembly.
“In the November 2022 election, 27 out of the 124 representatives were elected to the S.C. House for the first time,” said Jeff Perez, SCICU president and CEO. “Having that many new faces in the House makes it important for SCICU to educate representatives on the contributions and importance of private education to the growth of South Carolina. We are also giving them a preview of the important thank-you messages they will hear from SCICU students in the 2023 Tuition Grants letter-writing campaign.”

The SCICU infographic series launched January 11 with the message “21 SCICU member colleges and universities educate and inspire more than 36,000 students throughout South Carolina.”