In the last several months, SCICU has been busy working to increase the state-funded merit scholarships and Tuition Grants Program, as well as raising funds for other scholarship programs.
We have had much success in these areas, but now need your generous financial support in helping our most economically vulnerable students. The SCICU Discretionary Scholarship Program is specifically designed to help these students. A seemingly small financial difficulty—just a few hundred dollars—can be the insurmountable roadblock that results in a struggling student dropping out.
Our campuses use SCICU Discretionary Scholarship Program funds to help their students address an unexpected financial need so they can continue to benefit from an independent college education. Every dollar raised goes into the program and, as always, the entire amount will be tax-deductible.
While many corporate fundraising efforts end in December, August 31st marks the end of SCICU’s fundraising fiscal year, allowing us to pass along these important resources to our campuses for the 2019-2020 academic year.
Please let us hear from you by August 31st. Donating online to the SCICU Discretionary Scholarship Program is quick and easy using this link: Please select the Discretionary Scholarships option in the Contribution Preference drop-down box. For your convenience, credit cards are accepted through this link. If you prefer to send a check, please make the check payable to SCICU (memo line: Discretionary Scholarships) and mail to SCICU, 1706 Senate Street, Columbia, SC 29201.
If you have any questions regarding SCICU’s fundraising, please call Eddie Shannon, SCICU Executive Vice President, at 803-799-7122 or email him at