Message from SCICU President and CEO Jeff Perez –
Imagine a major hurricane that covers the entire state and lasts for weeks, if not months. That is the impact the COVID-19 pandemic is having on South Carolina.
The bold and courageous manner in which SCICU member institutions are responding to the unprecedented threat of COVID-19 proves the capacity and will of our campuses to innovate on behalf of their students and communities.
We’ve all heard the criticisms of higher education: Colleges and universities are old-fashioned; they’re slow to adapt to new circumstances; they’re incapable of being nimble.
I am here to tell you none of those are true. Throughout my career I have observed how a crisis reveals the true nature of individuals and organizations. Some crumble. Others focus on laying blame. Still others make bad decisions. All put those in their charge at great risk.
We can all be so very proud of the rock-solid and knowledgeable leadership of our SCICU member institutions. In less than two weeks our presidents and their teams have gone from business as usual, to making profound changes to their operations, while respecting their unique campus cultures and traditions. In this extraordinary effort they have been supported by dedicated faculties and staffs who have remained focused on the needs of their students.
I’m not sure when this COVID-19 storm will pass, but I’m utterly confident that our SCICU member colleges and universities will emerge as strong as ever.