Erskine College
As an Erskine faculty member since 2012, Dr. White teaches a course load that incorporates numerous mathematical topics including calculus, statistics, mathematical modeling, and linear and abstract algebra. Dr. White genuinely cares for her students and desires to see them succeed. Her students consistently submit course evaluations expressing appreciation for her personal investment and care in the classroom.
In addition to her mathematics teaching load, Dr. White provides dedicated leadership on several committees at Erskine College. She is the coordinator for Dual Degree Engineering and Actuary Science Programs with Clemson University. On the Erskine Campus, she serves as the Faculty Executive Committee secretary and treasurer and works as a committed member of several other faculty committees.
Dr. White holds membership in professional organizations including Mathematical Association of America (MAA), Kappa Mu Epsilon, and was recently inducted in the national honor society Pi Mu Epsilon.
“Dr. Catherine White is highly respected by the administration and faculty. She continually sets high standards and works to help her students succeed. Her service, encouragement, and personal investment in educating students and working with colleagues marks her as an excellent role model for other faculty members,” said Dr. Tom Hellams, Erskine College provost.